Received: 22-04-2019 / Accepted: 05-04-2021
In oyster mushroom cultivation, it is very necessary to create new mushroom strains with more superior characteristics than cultivated strains.The three oyster mushroom strains PN1, PN14 and PN10 were used to generate hybrid combinations by single spore hybridization method and evaluated their hybrid combinations on the spawn culture and substrate cultivation. Thirty-eight single spore lines were isolated, including 18 single spore lines of PN1 strain, 16 single spore lines of PN10 strain and 4 single spore lines of PN14 strain. Seventy hybrid combinations have been implemented, of which three successful hybrid combinations were HP1-27 x HP14-4 (symbolized as PN1141), HP1-27 x HP14-7 (symbolized as PN1142), HP1-27 x HP14-10 (symbolized as PN1143) based on the appearance of clamp connection on the hyphae. On PDA medium, the hybrid strain PN1143 showed a lower growth rate than PN1 strain and higher than the remaining strains. On the spawn culture of boiled paddy, two strains of PN1 and PN1143 have the highest number of days to full colonization of substrates and growth rate of the hypha; the PN10 strain is lowest. On the cultivating substrate, 2 strains PN1 and PN1143 achieved higher results than the other strains in the growth rate of the hypha, fruit body size, biological efficiency were 55.46 and 54.54% respectively. The three strains of hybrid oysters are grayish-white, with stripes appearing on the mushroom caps.