Thirty-five piglets aged from 1 to 4 weeks were collected from wild pigfarms in Ha Giang province. The RT-PCR was used to confirm porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus. The results showedthat the proportion of positive samples was74.3% and 54.3% for small intestine and mesenteric lymph node andfor fecal samples, respectively. The main clinical signs of PED included weakness, depression, and diarrhea with loose, fishy, and yellow stools (100%)andweight loss (80.8%). Suckling pigs showed anorexia, huddling together, laying on the sow (76.9%), dehydration (69.2%), loss of appetite (57.7%), hypothermia and heaving (53.8%).The autopsies showed distended stomach containing curd and undigested food (100%),thinness of the wall of small intestine and watery yellow translucent content in small intestine (100.0%),hyperemia and hemorrhage of mesenteric lymph nodes (80.8%),enlargement of lymph nodes in other organs (69.2%); pale liver (69.2%),pneumonia (61.5%),splenic congestion, and gallbladder enlargement (57.7%). Microscopic lesions included small intestinal congestion, hemorrhage, severe villous atrophy, scraped mucosa, lymphoid follicles hyperplasia, inflammatory cell infiltration, degeneration, and necrosis. Congestion and inflammatory cells infiltration were observed in liver, spleen, and lung. In addition, hepatocellular degeneration and lipid deposition were observed in the liver.