Received: 10-03-2023 / Accepted: 29-06-2023
Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusspp.) are highly nutritious and delicious edible mushrooms with a high economic value but the yield depends on several factors. This study aimed to identify the optimal carbon and nitrogen sources, temperature, and cultivation substrate for promoting mycelialgrowthandfruitingbodydevelopmentof theTuCauoystermushroom strain P35. In this study, mycelial of the Tu Cau oyster mushroom strain P35 were incubated in 5 different temperature levels (15°C ± 1, 20°C ± 1, 25°C ± 1, 30°C ± 1, 35°C ± 1); using medium supplemented 5 different carbon sources (glucose, fructose, maltose, saccharose, lactose), 5 different nitrogen sources (peptone, yeast extract, ammonium sulfate, casein, ammonium nitrate) and 5 spawning substrates to evaluate filamentous growth. At the same time, mycelial of this strain were cultured in 4 kind of materials (Cotton waste, corn cob, straw, sawdust) to value the fruiting body development.The results showed that the ideal temperature for the favorable mycelial growth of theTuCauoystermushroom strain P35 was 30°C ± 1. Maltose and (NH4)2SO4were considered the most suitable carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. 99% boiled rice spplemented with 1% calcium carbonate (CaCO3)] was the optimal spawning material for mycelial growth. The highest yield performance (48.24%) of theTuCauoystermushroomstrain P35 was obtained when cultivated on a substrate mixture of 94% cotton, 5% wheat bran, and 1% CaCO3.