Received: 05-05-2021 / Accepted: 31-08-2021
The suburban area of Hanoi has advantages for the development of agricultural production, particularly beef products, due to its vicinity to the large market and diverse customer segments. The present study analyzed the beef cattle value chain in Chuong My district using interview data with actors involed in the chain in 2020. The findings showed that the beef cattle value chain in the district operated on a small-scale basis with actors across various stages of production, collection, slaughtering, wholesale, and retail, in which farmers contributed the most in the total value-added production. The chain operations were financially efficient and generated significant income for medium and large-scale producers. However, restricted by its weaknesses of being small-scale, low livestock productivity, informal linkages between actors, Chuong My district beef cattle value chain has been competing with beef product chains from not only other suburban districts in Hanoi and other provinces but also chains of imported products. To overcome these challenges, some solutions were proposed to upgrade the beef cattle value chain in Chuong My district in the future.