Received: 14-11-2022 / Accepted: 27-03-2023
This paperaimedto review agricultural commercialisation and multidimensional poverty concepts and to propose the theoretical framework for their relationship in agriculture-based developing countries. Agricultural commercialisation is the transition from subsistence production to market-oriented production. Multidimensional poverty takes into accountthe deprivation of people, including income andbasicsocial deprivation.The proposed theoretical framework on the relationship between agricultural commercialisation and multidimensional poverty includes four components. The agricultural commercialisation process is a central position reflectingsubsistence, semi-commercial and commercialagricultural production system of farmhouseholds.The input factors include driver factors and determinants, which keep the roles in pushing the agricultural commercialisation process.The final component in the framework is multidimensional poverty, an outcome of agricultural commercialisation.The theoretical framework is essential for further studies on multidimensional poverty reduction based on agricultural commercialisation in Vietnam.