Vol. 17 No. 2 (2019)

					View Vol. 17 No. 2 (2019)
Published: 24-05-2024

  • Development of Submergence Tolerant Rice Lines for the Northern Region of Vietnam

    Pham Van Tinh, Hoang Ba Tien, Tran Van Quang
    Received: 14-03-2019 / Accepted: 07-05-2019

  • Safety and Efficacy of Vaccine Han-Streptila in Commercial Tilapia

    Ho Thu Thuy, Nguyen Huu Vu, Tran Thi Khanh Chi, Vu Duc Hanh, Nguyen Viet Khong, LaiThi Lan Huong
    Received: 01-10-2018 / Accepted: 14-04-2019

  • Infectionof Trematode (Metacercariae) in Fingerlingand Grow-out Pangasianodon Catfish in Tiengiang Province, Vietnam

    Dinh Thi Thuy, Nguyen Quoc Chi
    Received: 04-12-2018 / Accepted: 11-05-2019

  • Molecular Characterization of Canine Parvovirus Type 2Isolated from Dogs in Hanoi

    Vo Van Hai, Nguyen Thi Yen, Dao Le Anh, Hoang Minh, Bui Tran Anh Dao, Bui Thi To Nga, Nguyen Thi Lan, Le Van Phan
    Received: 27-08-2018 / Accepted: 10-05-2019

  • Replacement of Corn with Broken Rice in the Diet of Growing-Finishing Pigs

    Nguyen Huu Tho, Nguyen The Tuong, Tran Xuan Manh, Ton That Son
    Received: 05-03-2019 / Accepted: 12-04-2019

  • Assessment of Genetic Diversity ofLac Son Chicken using Microsatellite Markers

    Ngo Thi Kim Cuc, Nguyen Van Ba
    Received: 08-04-2019 / Accepted: 22-04-2019

  • Prediction ofWater Requirementsfor Land Use Types in Srepok River Basinin the Context of Climate Change

    Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quyen
    Received: 30-11-2018 / Accepted: 11-04-2019

  • Le Thi Thu Huong, Ngo Thi Thuong, Nguyen Ngoc Kien, Tran Thanh Hai
    Received: 27-11-2024 / Accepted: 27-03-2019 / Published: 29-05-2024

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1234/8fy2pj73

  • Phosphorus Buffering Capacity and the Risk of PhosphorusLeachingunderLong-Term Reduced Phosphorus Application on Triple Rice Cropping Area in the Mekong Delta

    Vu Van Long, Doan Thi Truc Linh, Chau Minh Khoi
    Received: 30-10-2018 / Accepted: 03-04-2019

  • Design and Fabrication of Wall Painting Machine

    Pham Thi Hang, Kieu Van Vien
    Received: 11-03-2019 / Accepted: 10-05-2019