Received: 27-12-2018 / Accepted: 21-03-2019
Waterlogging is a major environmental stress limiting maize yield in the monsoonal areas of Asia, as well as in other parts of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate thephenotypic variation in root development under hypoxia condition at the seedling stageofdiverse maize inbred lines in 0.1% agar-hydroponic culture. The root length (RLD), root surface area (RSAD) and root volume (RVD) under hypoxia wereinvestigated by means of WinRHIZO analysis before and after the treatment. Based on the evaluation results of 30 lines under hypoxia, root development of15 selected lines was also evaluated in soil culture. Significant phenotypic variation in hypoxia tolerance in roots was observed among studiedmaize lines. Root developmentin hydroponic and soil culture wassignificantly correlated. The results suggested that nine potential lines (VNT2, VNT3, VNT7, VNT9, VNT12, VNT13, VNT14, VNT24 và VNT25)hada high ability to develop roots under hypoxia. These resultsprovide insights into the mechanisms of waterlogging adaptation and the hypoxia tolerant materials can be usedto improve the waterlogging tolerance of modernmaizecultivars at the seedling stage.