Received: 17-12-2019 / Accepted: 03-02-2020
The study aimed to evaluate the effects of fruit thinning and fruit wrapping materials on fruit size, fruit quality traits and fruit loss rate due to insects and diseases infecting jujube fruit variety 05. Two independent experiments were conducted on 3-year- old jujube plants, which was designed as a randomized complete block design with four treatments and three replications per treatment. Fruit thinning treatments included removing 10%, 20%, 30% and zero % (control) of the total number of fruits per plant. Fruit wrapping material treatments included nylon bag, sponge bag, oil bag and no-wrapping (control). The results showed that fruit thinning increased fruit size, fruit weight and total soluble solids content (TSS), and decreased total acid content (TA) of the fruit. Out of fruit thinning treatments, thinning 30% of the total fruit number per plant resulted in the highest fruit weight (99.36 g) and TSS (17.2oBrix), and the lowest TA (0.180%), at the same time, the treatment reduced actual fruit yield (37.8 kg/plant) and increased the net revenue (772.000 Vietnam dong/kg). Wrapping fruits by nylon bag and sponge bag increased fruit weight of 25.3% and 17.7% compared to the control treatment, respectively. The sponge bag returned the second rank of fruit yield (44.7 kg/plant) and net revenue (1,001,000 Vietnam dong/plant) and did not affect TSS value (17.02%). The nilon bag decreased TSS (15.69%) but returned the highest fruit yield (47.8 kg/plant) and net revenue (1.258.000 Vietnam dong/plant). Therefore, the application of the wrapping materials into commercial production of jujube, nilon and sponge bags, is potentially economical.