Received: 28-03-2024 / Accepted: 23-05-2024
The study aimedto determine the ocurrence of Gyrovirus in chickens raised inseveral districts in Thai Nguyen province. A total of 42 pooled samples were collected from chickens with symptoms such as stunting, drooping, and diarrheaat svarious farms in Phu Binh, Phu Luong, and Vo Nhai districts of Thai Nguyen province from March to August 2023. Resultsof Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)showed that the positiveratefor chicken Gyrovirus virus was 17.65%, 28.57%, and 27.27% collected from Phu Binh, Phu Luong, and Vo Nhai districts, respectively. The partial sequencing of the gene encoding the VP2 protein revealed that the field virus strainsin chickens showing drooping and stunted behavior belonged to the Gyrovirus galga 1 and weregeneticallyclose to the ChineseGyrovirusstrain (2014) and BrazilianGyrovirus strain(2019). The results of this studysupplementthe presence of Gyrovirus galga1 in chickens as a basis for future in-depth research on Gyrovirus.