Received: 07-11-2017 / Accepted: 26-12-2018
A study was conducted to determine the changes in tannin,vitamin Candpolyphenolscontentsand antioxidant activity of the cashew apple juiceat different maturity stages.The cashew apples were collected in Binh Phuoc province and classified into 4 different maturity stages including: green (X), color turning (VC), ripe (CV) and over-ripe (CM). Results showed that the tannin, vitamin C and polyphenol contents of cashew apple juice decreased from 470±0.02mg/100ml, 334±3.7 mg/100ml and 1873±5.2 mg/100ml at green (X) to 130±0.01mg/100ml, 176±3.1 mg/100mland280±3.5 mg/100ml at over-ripe (CM), respectively. The antioxidant activity of cashew apple juice was determined basedon the IC50value of DPPH free radical scavenging method and the optical density value(OD) of reducing power method. The IC50 value of DPPH free radical scavenging capacity were 32.3±2.3 gdry matter/ml for green group (X), followed by VC (IC50 = 172.4±2.5gdry matter/ml), CV (IC50= 239.6±2.1gdry matter/ml) and CM (IC50= 407.1±2.1gdry matter/ml). Reductingpower of the cashew apple juices decreased during ripening of cashew apple in the order: X > VC > CV > CM. Thus, the contentsof tannin, vitamin Csndpolyphenolsand antioxidant activity of the cashew apple juice decreased also in the order: X > VC > CV > CM. The results suggestedthat the cashew apple in ripe (CV) and over-ripe (CM) maturity stage aresuitable to produce cashew wineorcashew juice.