Received: 16-10-2018 / Accepted: 30-12-2019
This pilot study has to phases, uses domestic and livestock wastewater to create periphyton biomass on filter materials (plastic material, baked clay, coconut fiber pebbles and gravel), then uses to remove pollutants in wastewater. Results showed that periphyton grows on plastic material, baked clay, coconut fiber faster than on pebbles and gravel, with a density of about 12-23x106cells per cm2after 9-12 days. Suitable genus for wastewater condition are Amphipleura, Cyclotella, Navicula, Nitzschia(Bacilariophyta), Euglena(Euglenophyta), Closterium, Pediastrum, Ulothrix(Chlorophyta) and Aphanothece(Cyanophyta). With this wastewater (organic compounds, nitrogen, phosphorus, microorganisms pollution, high turbidity), periphyton systems removed organic, nitrogen and phosphorus to the concentration lower than National Technical Regulations (NTR 14:2008/MONRE and NTR 62-MT:2016/MONRE) after 03 days (domestic wastewater) or 05 days (livestock wastewater). Treatment efficiency were above 65%, especially above 80% for total nitrogen and phosphorus, above 94% for total coliform.