Vol. 17 No. 8 (2019)

					View Vol. 17 No. 8 (2019)
Published: 24-05-2024

  • Study on Establishment of Hybrid Cell Lines Secreting Monoclonal Antibody for Progesterone

    Nguyen Thi Hai, Le Van Phan, Nguyen Ba Mui, Nguyen Hoang Thinh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Giang, Tran Hiep, Cu Thi Thien Thu, Pham Kim Dang
    Received: 03-08-2019 / Accepted: 30-09-2019

  • Effects of Commercial Feed Replacement with ArtemiaBiomass on the Growth and Survival of Mudskipper (Pseudapocryptes elongates)Fingerlings

    Huynh Thanh Toi, Le Vu Dang, Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Pham ThiTuyet Ngan
    Received: 29-03-2019 / Accepted: 25-10-2019

  • Isolation and Identification of Avibacteriumparagallinarumfrom Chickens in North of Vietnam

    Le Van Hung, Nguyen Thi Giang, Tran Danh Son
    Received: 19-07-2019 / Accepted: 22-10-2019

  • Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Growth Performance and Feed Utilization of Asian Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus)

    Mai Van Tung, Nguyen Thi Oanh, Le Xuan Chinh, Tran Thi Nang Thu
    Received: 10-05-2019 / Accepted: 31-10-2019

  • Study on Biological Characteristics of Onychostoma laticepsGunther, 1896

    Vo Van Binh, Nguyen Hai Son, Nguyen Quang Huy
    Received: 13-05-2019 / Accepted: 17-07-2019

  • Assessing Eutrophic Status and Environmental Factor Regulating Green Algae Community in Tri An Reservoir

    Tran Thi Hoang Yen, Le Thi Luom, Pham Thanh Luu
    Received: 24-07-2019 / Accepted: 24-10-2019

  • Assessment of the Best PHP Frameworks for Modern Web Development and Some Applications at VNUA

    Pham Quang Dung, Nguyen Thi Thao, Tran Thi Giang
    Received: 26-02-2018 / Accepted: 29-10-2019

  • Study on Improving the Synthesis of Multi-enzymes (Cellulase, α-Amylaseand Glucoamylase) from Aspergillus nigerA45.1 by Mutation and Optimal Condition of Solid State Fermentation

    Duong Thu Huong, Pham Kim Dang, Vu Van Hanh
    Received: 17-07-2019 / Accepted: 14-11-2019

  • Kinematic and Dynamic Analysesof Seed on Disc in Soybean Sowing Unit

    Nguyen Chung Thong, Le Minh Lu, Nguyen Xuan Thiet
    Received: 16-09-2019 / Accepted: 06-11-2019