Received: 12-05-2020
Accepted: 25-06-2020
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Current Status of Allocated Forestland Utilization of the Ethnic Minority Households: A Case Studyin Cho Don District, Bac Kan Province
Allocated forestland, ethnic minority, tree planting
The Vietnamese government has paid considerable attention to the effective allocated forestland management and use to the households as it affects the Nation's forest resources. This study was conducted to assess the current status of allocated forestland utilization of the ethnic minority households in two upland villages of Cho Don district, Bac Kan province. The study was implemented throughtface-to-face interviews with the 72 households using semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews with the stakeholders. The results showed that most of the sample households obtained production forestland, and almost all the forestland recipients in both villages had already planted timber trees with the main crops such as Manglietia glauca, Cinnamomum cassia, Canarium album, Chukrasia tabularis, and Illicium verum. However, the expansion of tree planting area largely depended on the government reforestation programs. The mean of areas used for timber tree per household was 1.3 ha in both villages. A lack of finance to maintain the area of tree planting due to a long business cycle has been considered as a limitation for the expansion of tree planting area on allocated forestland to households in the current uplands of Vietnam.
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