Assessment of the Occurence of Drought in Luc Ngan District, BacGiang Province Using Remote Sensing Technology

Received: 19-04-2018

Accepted: 20-11-2018








How to Cite:

Thuan, N., & Giang, P. (2024). Assessment of the Occurence of Drought in Luc Ngan District, BacGiang Province Using Remote Sensing Technology. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(9), 820–829.

Assessment of the Occurence of Drought in Luc Ngan District, BacGiang Province Using Remote Sensing Technology

Nguyen Duc Thuan (*) 1 , Pham Quy Giang 1

  • 1 Khoa Quản lý đất đai, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Drought, Remote Sensing, Land Surface Temperature, Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)


    Real surface temperature and vegetationare important factors providing information on soil moisture. Surface temperature may increase quickly when land surface is waterless or plants are not supplied with enough water. In this study, the surface drought situation in Luc Ngan District, BacGiang Province was assessed by quantifying the relationship between real temperature and vegetation coverusing Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) derived from Landsat satellite images. The study producedthree mapsof surface temperature distribution and three maps of surface drought classification of Luc Ngan district on 24 May 1999, 3 May 2010 and 28 May 2017 asthe scientific basis for the assessment of drought situation and solutionsto minimize the damage of drought toagricultural production.


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