Received: 04-07-2017
Accepted: 09-08-2017
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Development of VietGAHP Pig Production in Cam Giang District, Hai Duong Province
Development, pig production, VietGAHP
Pig production applying Vietnam Good Animal Husbandry Practices (VietGAHP) is a way for improving competitiveness and sustainable development of pig sector in Vietnam. The study was designed to evaluate the current situation of pig smallholder farms and provide key recommendations for VietGAHP pig production in Cam Giang district, Hai Duong province. The data was collected through survey of 60 pig farmers and descriptive and comparative statistics were employed. Results showed that pig farmers basically met requirements on feed management, water quality, hygene, preservation and use of vaccine, waste management and environmental protection. The main benefits from VietGAHP pig production were reduction of pig diseases and improvement of farmer’s income, especially in the context of rising consumers’ concern about food safety. However, pig farmers also faced difficulties in applying VietGAHP due to the complicated criteria, as well as indifference between VietGAHP and conventional pork prices in market. Key recommendations for VietGAHP pig production were proposed accordingly.
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