Reproductive performance of the nucleus herd of stress negative Piétrain and Duroc swine raised at the animal farm of Hanoi University of Agriculture

Received: 12-11-2012

Accepted: 24-12-2012








How to Cite:

Luc, D., Bo, H., Thanh, N., Trach, N., & Ton, V. (2024). Reproductive performance of the nucleus herd of stress negative Piétrain and Duroc swine raised at the animal farm of Hanoi University of Agriculture. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(1), 30–35.

Reproductive performance of the nucleus herd of stress negative Piétrain and Duroc swine raised at the animal farm of Hanoi University of Agriculture

Do Duc Luc (*) 1 , Ha Xuan Bo 1 , Nguyen Chi Thanh 1 , Nguyen Xuan Trach 1 , Vu Dinh Ton 2

  • 1 Khoa Chăn nuôi và Nuôi trồng thủy sản, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 2 Trung tâm nghiên cứu liên ngành PTNT, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • Keywords

    pigs, stress negative Piétrain, Duroc, reproductive performance, halothane genotype


    A study was carried out from December 2011 to August 2012 to evaluate reproductive performance of nucleus herd of stress negative Piétrain (Piétrain) and Duroc pigs raised at the experimental farm of Hanoi University of Agriculture. A total of 35 gilts, including 21 Piétrain (11 with halothane genotype CC and 10 with CT) and 14 Duroc CC gilts were monitored for their reproductive performance. Piétrain boars (3 CC and 5 CT) were mated to Piétrain and Duroc gilts to produce Piétrain purebred and crossbred Piétrain x Duroc pigs. Results showed that genotype of the boar and the sow affected body weight and litter weight at birth and at weaning (P<0.05). Total number of pigs born, number born alive, number alive to weaning, individual bodyweight at birth, individual bodyweight at weaning, litter weight at birth, litter weight at weaning, survival rate at birth, survival rate to weaning were 9.91, 9.26, 8.11 piglets, 1.4, 6.4, 12.97, 51.96kg, 94.32 and 88.55%, respectively. Body weight and litter weight at birth and at weaning of piglets from Piétrain CC boars were higher than those of piglets from Piétrain CT boars (P<0.05). Reproductive performance was highest for Duroc CC sows, followed by Piétrain CC and lowest for Piétrain CT sows (P<0.05). Reproductive performance of the nucleus herd could be improved by using Piétrain CC boars mated to Piétrain CC sows and Duroc CC sows.


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