Received: 15-04-2012
Accepted: 24-07-2012
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Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the Storage Life of Litchi Fruits (Litchi sinensis Sonn.)
Litchi, 1-MCP, quality, storage
The objective of this study was to determine the effiect of 1-MCP, an inhibitor of cell ethylene receptor, at various concentrations on preseved litchi fruits (Litchi sinensis Sonn.. cv. Thieu). The fruits were harvested from the local orchards in Bac Giang and transported to laboratory within 3 hours. Maturity-uniform litchi fruits without any defects were selected and treated with 1-MCP at the concentrations of 0.300 and 600 ppb for 12 hours. Following treatment, litchi fruits were kept at 4°C for storage. The results indicated that 1-MCP has positive effect on maintaining the quality of litchi fruits cv. Thieu. The most effective treatment to preserve the litchi quality after storage was 600 ppb 1-MCP for 12 hours. This concentration reduced weight loss and delayed changes of skin color and browning, minimised the loss of TSS, sugar and vitamin C content within 1 month storage.
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