Result of Selection New two-line Hybrid Rice in Daklak Province

Received: 14-03-2012

Accepted: 16-07-2012








How to Cite:

Quang, T. (2024). Result of Selection New two-line Hybrid Rice in Daklak Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(4), 586–596.

Result of Selection New two-line Hybrid Rice in Daklak Province

Tran Van Quang (*) 1, 2

  • 1 Khoa Nông học, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 2 Viện Nghiên cứu lúa, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • Keywords

    Ecological areas, short growth duration, two-line hybrid


    An experiment was carried out to compare two-line hybrid rice combinationsin Winter-Spring and Summer-Autum season inEakar, Krong Ana and Buon Ma Thuot City of Daklak province. The resultsshowedthat thehybrids have short growing duration,ranging from 92-112 days in Winter-Spring season and 89-114 days in Summer-Autum season. They have from 12.0 to 13.5 leaves per main stemandplant height ranging from 75.0 to 100.0 cm. They have good resistance to diseases and insects, such as brown plant hopper, baterial leaf blightandleaf blight. They have yield ranging from 7.8-9.1 tons/hectare in Winter-Spring season and 6.3-8,4 tons/hectare in Summer-Autum season. Based on yield and quality three hybrid combinations, viz.TH3-3, TH3-5, and TH7-5 were selected for development of two-line hybrid rice in Daklak province.


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