Received: 23-02-2016
Accepted: 22-09-2016
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Working Capacity of Business Management Graduates of Vietnam National University of Agriculture in Enterprises in Hanoi
Working capacity, students, business management
Although business management (BM) is still one of the sectors with high demand and relatively large employment opportunities, the workforce for BMis still failing to meet the needs ofqualified skills. This article studiedworkingcapacity of graduatesfromBM, Vietnam National Universityof Agriculture (VNUA) who are working at theenterprises in Hanoi and proposed some suggestions to improve the workingcapacity for graduatesto better meet the requirements of busines. Research showedthat the working capacity of the graduatesfromBM ofVNUA wasevaluated at moderate levelformost evaluation criteria. Compared to other universities, the communication skills,the creativenessin handling the situation, and the ability in organizing socialactivitiesof graduates fromVNUAwerelowerwhile practical skills, the spirit of learning and adaptability were considered to be better. To enhance the working capacity forstudentsin BM atVNUA, the following considerations are proposed: enhancingthe understanding and application of knowledge into practice for students, improvingforeign languagefor better communication, increasingactiveness through social activities, youth and students association, and offering boreexchange opportunities to shapesocial skillsforstudents.
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