Analysis of Factors Affecting The Participation of Forest Planting Households into Certified Groups in Quang Nam and Binh Dinh Provinces

Received: 05-10-2017

Accepted: 29-11-2017








How to Cite:

Kiem, N., Son, H., & Hung, L. (2024). Analysis of Factors Affecting The Participation of Forest Planting Households into Certified Groups in Quang Nam and Binh Dinh Provinces. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(11), 1575–1583.

Analysis of Factors Affecting The Participation of Forest Planting Households into Certified Groups in Quang Nam and Binh Dinh Provinces

Nguyen Gia Kiem (*) 1 , Hoang Lien Son 2 , Le Trong Hung 3

  • 1 NCS Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển Nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Kinh tế Lâm nghiệp, VAFS
  • 3 Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo
  • Keywords

    Forest planting households, certified forest, exploratory factor analysis


    The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) method was usedto assess the level of importanceof impact factors(IFs) affectingdecision making of households to participate in HGP. The research results revealedsix key impact factors: (1) Financial economic efficiency of plantation; (2) external support ; (3) wood market; (4) forestry policies; (5) awareness of local authority; and (6) Internal mechanism of HPG. Based on this analysis, the study proposed six solutions to promote and develop HPG: (1) improvingthe financial efficiency of plantation; (2) promotingthe external support, developingHPG and gradually improvingtheir autonomous capacityof certified plantations; (3) market development in the value chain of wood products with sustainable forest management certificate; (4) revising current gaps of forest policy for plantation forest development; (5) enhancingthe role and capacity of local authority to implement the policy; and (6) Improvingand developinginternal mechanism of HPG


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