Received: 07-07-2021
Accepted: 10-01-2022
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ComparativeAnesthesia Effectiveness ofInhalation Isoflurane andIntravenousZoletil 50 forHysterectomizein Cats
Cat, anesthesia, hysterectomize, isoflurane, Zoletil 50
A comparative study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of anesthetic methods in surgical surgery on catsat the Veterinary Hoaspital, Vietnam National University of Agriculture. A total of 20 selected experimental cats were devided into two groups, in which 10 cats were inhalative anesthetized using isoflurane (2-3% starting doseand maintain at 1-2% throughout surgery);and 10were anesthetized using intravenous injection with Zoletil 50 (13 mg/kg P). The results showed that inhalative anesthesia produced more stablize status of cats during surgery in term of body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, the blood oxygen concentration of the inhalative group fluctuated between 93-95% and significantly higher than injection method. Moreover, cats in inhalative anesthesia group shows minor pain reflexes after surgery and 80% of cat have no hysterical reaction. On the other hand, disturbance were observed in 70% of cats in injection anesthesia group. Thus, inhalative anesthesia using Isoflurane is stable, safe and may become the prefered method for feline surgical anesthesia.
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