Received: 19-03-2020
Accepted: 10-06-2020
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Evaluation of the Growth Stimulants on the Stem-Cutting Technique of Manaca Rain Plant (Brunfelsia hopeanaBenth.)
Brunfelsia hopeanaBenth., cutting, growth stimulant
This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of popular growth stimulant products on the cutting propagation, growth, and development of Manaca Rain plant (Brunfelsia hopeana Benth.). The first experiment was designed to compare 4 types of growth stimulant preparations (N3M 20g/L, Atonik 1.8SL 5ml/L, NAA 500ppm, and TA350 - 350ppm NAA, 50ppm GA3) with water treatment on the cutting propagation of mature stem and top branchlet in sand media. The second experiment was carried out in plastic pots to evaluate the effect of supplying 200ml (20ppm) solution from growth stimulants (Atonik, N3M, and TA350) and the control treatment in the plant’s growth and development. As the results showed, combination of Atonik, NAA, and TA350 could significantly promote the rooting rate as compared with the control and N3M treatments. On the other hand, no significant effects of the use of growth stimulants on the mature stem have been described. Next, the application of Atonik, N3M, and TA350 could promote various agronomical traits, such as plant height, root mass, number of buds, bud length, number of flowers. However, there were no significant differences ineffectsof these preparations on the growth and development of this plant. Taken together, our study would provide a solid foundation for the protocol of planting Manaca rain plants.
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