Received: 21-03-2019
Accepted: 25-05-2019
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Isolation and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicolaIsolates Causing Rice Bacterial Leaf Streakin some Provinces ofNorthern Vietnam
Bacterial leaf streak, Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola, multiplex PCR, genetic diversity
Bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas oryzaepv. oryzicola (Xoc)is a commondisease occurring in most rice growingareas in Vietnam, especially in Autumn season. This study aimed to isolate and analyze the genetic diversity of Xocin North Vietnam. Infected leaves were collected in 5 provinces: Lao Cai, Thai Nguyen, Hanoi, Thai Binh and Nam Dinh in the Autumn seasonof 2014. Twenty-three isolates were isolated usingWakimono medium and confirmed by both multiplex PCR and artificial inoculation. The genetic diversity was characterized by rep-PCR and IS-PCR techniqueswith 3 markers ERIC2F, BOXA1RF and J3F. A phylogenetic tree was constructed and23 isolates were classified into 4 clusters with polymorphic information content value of 0.72. Theresultsprovided a better understanding onthe diversity of Xocin North Vietnamand served as basis for breeding and disease control.
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