Replacement of Corn with Broken Rice in the Diet of Growing-Finishing Pigs

Received: 05-03-2019

Accepted: 12-04-2019








How to Cite:

Tho, N., Tuong, N., Manh, T., & Son, T. (2024). Replacement of Corn with Broken Rice in the Diet of Growing-Finishing Pigs. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(2), 108–116.

Replacement of Corn with Broken Rice in the Diet of Growing-Finishing Pigs

Nguyen Huu Tho (*) 1 , Nguyen The Tuong 2 , Tran Xuan Manh 2 , Ton That Son 3

  • 1 Chi cục Chăn nuôi- Thú y Bắc Ninh
  • 2 Tập đoàn DABACO
  • 3 Khoa Chăn nuôi và Nuôi trồng thủy sản, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Broken rice, corn, cross-bred D(LY), growing-finishing pigs


    A study was carried out to evaluate the effect replacement of cornwith broken rice in the diet on the performance of growing-finishing pigs.Two hundred forty cross-bred D (LY) growing- finishing pigs (68 days old)were alloted intoa completely randomized design of fourtreatments with 3 replicates of 20 pigs each.Treatments consisted of graded levels of broken rice (0, 25, 50 and 75%) to orreplace cornin the diet. Results showedthatwhen using broken rice as substitutefor75% corn in the diet, the body weight, average weight gain (kg/head/day), the dressing percentage, carcasspercetage, eye muscle areaand leanmeat percetage,andmeat shear forcewere higher in comparison with25% and 50% of broken rice replacements and100% corn. The use of broken rice as substitue for corndid not affect feed intakeand feed conversion ratio (kg feed/kg body weight gain), carcass length, backfatthickness, pH45 ', pH24h, meatcolor, rate of water lossduring storageand feed cost per1 kg weight gain. It is therefore suggested thatbroken rice can replace up to75% corn in the diet of growing - finishing pigs.


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