Received: 11-11-2018
Accepted: 29-03-2019
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Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Cattle Raised in Phu Dong, Gia Lam, Hanoi
Phu Dong, cattle, Nematode, Coccidia
This objective of this study was to determine the occurrence of the gastrointestinal parasites in cattle. Ninety-four fecal samples of beef cattle, dairy cattle and calves raised in Phu Dong were collected by stratified random sampling from August 2017 to August 2018. Fecal samples were examined by simple sedimentation and sugar floatation techniques. 93/94 animals infected with at least one parasite. Nematode was found in 84/94 samples, and all beef cattle (n = 50) were infected. By observation of egg morphology, Strongyloides papilosus, Nematodirusspp., Cappilariaspp., Trichurisspp., Mecistocirrusspp. and Strongyle- type roundworm eggs were identified. In addition, other round worms belonging to Strongyle group including Haemonchusspp., Trichostrongylusspp., Ostertagiaspp., and Bunostomum spp. were also identified by morphology of nematode larvae. Coccidia were found in 54/94 animals, especially all calves (n = 24) were infected. Nine Eimeriaspecies were determined, among them Eimeria zuernii, E. bovis, E. auburnensis, and E. ellipsoidaliswere predominant, especially in calves. No fluke, tapeworm, and other protozoa were found in this study. In conclusion, Nematode and Coccidia were usually prevalent in gastrointestines of cattle in Phu Dong. Thus, effective prevention and treatment methods are needed for improving cattle husbandry.
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