Received: 17-04-2012
Accepted: 02-06-2012
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Assessing the Effective of Feed Added with Mixed of Enzymeto Culture Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at the First Commercial Stage
Food, Enzyme amylase, Enzyme protease, Enzyme phytase, Oncorhynchus mykiss
Adding enzyme in feed in order to increase food digestibility, reducing pollution and increasing economical efficiency are being focused in fish nutrition research in recently. The rainbow trout at the size from 150 g to 450 g were cultured to evaluate the effect of the addition of enzymes to the feed for rainbow trout. This study used 3 different feed formulations: feed without enzyme supplement (CT1), feed was added with mixed of 6000 IU amylase, 2000 IU protease and 2000 IU phytase/1 kilogram (CT2) and a feed control RAISIO - Finland (CT3). The results shown that the survival rates are more than 97%. The Average Daily Growth rate (g/fish/day) of CT1 was 3.18, CT2 was 3.48, CT3 was 3.65 and significant difference (P < 0.05). The Food Comsumption ranged from 343 to 360 g of feed/fish and there was no significant difference between the three feed formulars (P > 0.05). The Food Conversion Ratio ranged from 1.12 to 1.31 and there was no significant different between CT2 and CT3 (P > 0.05). The initial research results show that food added enzyme is better than it did not added enzyme and can replace for imported feed to culture rainbow trout at the size of 150-450 g.
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