Direct and Indirect Effects of Some Agronomical Traits OnInvidual Yield of Salt-Tolerant Rice in Thua Thien Hue

Received: 31-07-2017

Accepted: 23-01-2018








How to Cite:

Lam, N. (2024). Direct and Indirect Effects of Some Agronomical Traits OnInvidual Yield of Salt-Tolerant Rice in Thua Thien Hue. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(12), 1613–1620.

Direct and Indirect Effects of Some Agronomical Traits OnInvidual Yield of Salt-Tolerant Rice in Thua Thien Hue

Nguyen Ho Lam (*) 1

  • 1 Đại học Nông Lâm, Đại học Huế
  • Keywords

    Correlation, path analysis, individual yield, salt-tolerant rice cultivar


    This study was conducted to determine relationshipamong agronomic traitsand their contribution to plant grainyieldofsalt-tolerant rice cultivars in Central Vietnam. The experiment was arranged directly on saline soils at an average salinity level of 6.35 dS/m in 2017 winter-spring croppingseason in Thua Thien Hue with 10 popular salt-tolerant rice cultivars. Of all the agronomictraits studied, individual yields had a positive correlation coefficient with plant height (0.3624*), total panicles/plant (0.7019***), panicle weight (0.4530**) and total dry biomass (0.7837***). Total panicles/plant and panicle weight directly affect on the formation of rice yield. Total dry biomass and plant height do not directly affect yield, but are indirectly throughpanicle weights and total grains/panicle. Therefore, total number of paniclesper plant, panicle weight and total number of seedsper panicle would be effective selection criteriafor improvement of salt-tolerant rice cultivars in the central region.


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