Effect of Inorganic N, P, K Conbination on Growth, Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato in Thai Nguyen

Received: 20-02-2017

Accepted: 19-06-2017








How to Cite:

Lan, N. (2024). Effect of Inorganic N, P, K Conbination on Growth, Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato in Thai Nguyen. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(6), 718–727. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/408

Effect of Inorganic N, P, K Conbination on Growth, Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato in Thai Nguyen

Nguyen Thi Lan (*) 1

  • 1 Trường đại học Nông lâm Thái Nguyên
  • Keywords

    Sweet potato, fertilizerrate, economic efficiency, yield, quality


    In order to determine an optimal N, P, K combination for improvingyield, quality and economic efficiency of sweet potato production, an experiment was conducted with 5 inorganic N, P, K combinations. Arandomized complete block design with 3 replications was carried out in spring and winter seasons in Thai Nguyen. The result showed that increased rate of N, P, K lengthened theduration of tuber formation and growth whilst reduced duration ofcanopycover. Increments of N, P, Kalso increased main vinelength, average tuber weight, top growthyield, and harvested root yield.. For spring and winter seasons,the optimum rate was recommended at 70 N + 70 P2O5+ 100 K2O because it gave the highest average tuber weight, harversted yield and profit (50.434.800 VND/ha in srping season and 40.301.200 VND/ha in winter season).


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