Effects of Housing Systems on Welfare of Gilts and Gestation Sows

Received: 01-07-2017

Accepted: 09-08-2017








How to Cite:

Giang, N., Hanh, H., Dang, P., Dung, V., Mirle, C., & Ton, V. (2024). Effects of Housing Systems on Welfare of Gilts and Gestation Sows. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(6), 776–785. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/401

Effects of Housing Systems on Welfare of Gilts and Gestation Sows

Nguyen Thi Phuong Giang (*) 1 , Han Quang Hanh 1 , Pham Kim Dang 1 , Vu Tien Viet Dung 2 , Chetana Mirle 3 , Vu Dinh Ton 1

  • 1 Khoa Chăn nuôi, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Oxford University Clinical Research Unit –Hanoi
  • 3 Humane Society International
  • Keywords

    Welfare Quality, housing system, group rearing, individual rearing, gilt, sow welfare


    An experiment was undertaken to assess the effects of housing system on welfare in gilts and gestation sows. The experiment was a factorial design with 20 F1 gilts (Landrace x Yorkshire) of similar body weight and age randomly allocated to two housing systems (group rearing vs. invidual rearing, 5 gilts per pen, two pens for each housing system). Welfare assessment was conducted at a fixed day every week in all 3 stages: gilt, from mating to 30 days, and from 31 to 100 gestation days according to recommendations of the Welfare quality® 2009 Protocol. The results showed that at the gilt stage, housing system significantly affected some criteria of animal welfare in gilts, suchs as percentage of feaces on the body, body wound, stereotypies, and exploratory behaviour. At the stage from mating to 30 days, howver, no influence of housing system on all parameters of animal welfare was observed. At the gestation stage from 31 to 100 days, housing system affected several parameters of animal welfare, including shoulder sores, lameness, percentage of feaces on the body, body wound, stereotypies, and exploratory behaviour. Raising sows under group rearing housing system helped to improve some parameters of animal welfare, health and behaviour. However, it was necessary to have solution to reduce aggressive behaviour among sows during initial days of grouping.


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