Some Characteristics of Semen of Ri chicken Breed Collected by Massage

Received: 02-03-2012

Accepted: 15-05-2012








How to Cite:

Nam, N., Tho, N., Thao, T., Quynh, N., Hai, L., Thuong, N., … Nhien, N. (2024). Some Characteristics of Semen of Ri chicken Breed Collected by Massage. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(3), 433–437.

Some Characteristics of Semen of Ri chicken Breed Collected by Massage

Nguyen Hoai Nam (*) 1, 2 , Nguyen Thi Mai Tho 3 , Trinh Thi Phuong Thao 4 , Nham Thuy Quynh 4 , Le Quang Hai 4 , Nong Van Thuong 4 , Cao Thi My Hanh 4 , Nguyen Thi Nhien 4

  • 1 Khoa Thú y, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt nam
  • 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam
  • 3 Bộ môn Ngoại - Sản, Khoa Thú y, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 4 Sinh viên Khoa Thú y, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • Keywords

    Concentration, motility, Ri cockerels, semen, volume


    This study was to evaluate some characteristics of semen of Ri chicken breed. Semen from 4 Ri cockerels was collected by massage method 3 times/week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from August to October, 2011, and assessed under light-microscope. Motility, concentration and volume of semen were 57.91±16.79%; 2.09±0.87 tỷ spermatozoa/ml; 0.056±0.030 ml, respectively. One way repeated measures ANOVA test showed that there was no significant variation of the quality of Ri cockerels’ semen during the study period. These findings suggested that a collection frequency of 3 times/week during 2 months did not have significant effects on the quality of semen of the Ri cockerels. This is the first report about some charateristics of semen of Ri chicken beed in Vietnam. Future researches are required to evaluate other criteria of Ri cockerel’s semen and in a larger scale.


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