Assessment of Semen Quality and Artificial Insemination for Dong Tao Chicken

Received: 28-03-2017

Accepted: 10-07-2017








How to Cite:

Tham, L., Thu, D., Khoi, T., Hue, L., Thai, N., & Binh, D. (2024). Assessment of Semen Quality and Artificial Insemination for Dong Tao Chicken. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(6), 755–763.

Assessment of Semen Quality and Artificial Insemination for Dong Tao Chicken

Le Thi Tham (*) 1 , Do Van Thu 2 , Tran Xuan Khoi 2 , Le Thi Hue 2 , Ngo Xuan Thai 1 , Doan Viet Binh 3, 4

  • 1 Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ Hưng Yên
  • 2 Viện Công nghệ sinh học - Viện Hàn lâmKhoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • 3 Viện Công nghệ sinh học - Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • 4 Hội Chăn nuôi Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Dong Tao chicken, semen quality, artificial insemination


    The research was conducted tocollect semen of Dong Tao cocks, evaluatesemen quality, preserveand artificiallyinseminateDong Tao hens. A total of 62 cocksand420 hens with typical characteristics of Dong Tao breedrearing at households in Dong Tao, Khoai Chau, Hung Yen were selected for the study. The results showedthat the cocks had relatively slow ejaculation reflex. The semen volume, sperm activity and concentration were 0.46 ml, 76.04% and 3.26 billion/ml, respectively. The semen quality in summer was relatively low. The best semen collection interval was once a day. It was possible to use both buffer 1 and 2 to dilute semen, but buffer 1 beingmore appropriate, because after 9 hours of conservation at5oC, the sperm activity remained over50%. With the interval of 3 days between two artificial inseminationsata dose of 150 millionsperms per insemination, the rate of fertilized eggs reached over 84%. Insemination in the evening wasbetter than in the morning. The results suggestedthe applicabilityof artificial insemination for Dong Tao chickens.


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