Growth Rate, Carcass and Meat Quality of Crossbreds between F1(LandracexYorkshire) Sows and (PiétrainxDuroc) Boars with Piétrain ReHal Genetic Difference

Received: 22-01-2013

Accepted: 18-03-2013








How to Cite:

Dao, P., Thang, N., Ton, V., Luc, D., & Binh, D. (2024). Growth Rate, Carcass and Meat Quality of Crossbreds between F1(LandracexYorkshire) Sows and (PiétrainxDuroc) Boars with Piétrain ReHal Genetic Difference. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(2), 200–208.

Growth Rate, Carcass and Meat Quality of Crossbreds between F1(LandracexYorkshire) Sows and (PiétrainxDuroc) Boars with Piétrain ReHal Genetic Difference

Pham Thi Dao (*) 1 , Nguyen Van Thang 2 , Vu Dinh Ton 2 , Do Duc Luc 2 , Dang Vu Binh 3

  • 1 Trường Trung cấp Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thônHải Dương
  • 2 Khoa Chăn nuôi và Nuôi trồng thủy sản, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 3 Hội Chăn nuôi Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Carcass, crossbreds, Duroc, Growth rate, Landrace, meat quality, Piétrain, Yorkshire


    The study was carried out at 3 pig farms in Hai Dương and Hưng Yên from March 2011 to January 2013 to evaluate growth rate and carcass quality of F1(Landrace x Yorkshire) (F1(L x Y)) sows mated with F1(Piétrain x Duroc) (PiDu) boars with Pietrain ReHal genetic constitution (25, 50 và 50%: PiDu25, PiDu50, PiDu75). The results showed that these crossbreds obtained high growth rates and low feed conversion ratio (FCR) (829.42 g/day and 2.31 kg/kg; 797.78 g/day and 2.33 kg/kg; 765.79 g/day and 2.38 kg feed/kg weight gain, respectively). Lean meat percentage of PiDu25 x F1(L x Y), PiDu50 x F1(L x Y) và PiDu75 x F1(L x Y) were 54.66, 56.32 and 59.97 %, respectively. Lean meat percentage of PiDu75 x F1(L x Y) was higher than that of PiDu25 x F1(L x Y) and PiDu50 x F1(L x Y). The meat quality traits in terms of pH, colour drip loss, and firmness of 3 crossbreds were normal. Crude protein of musculus longissimus dorsi of crossbreds was 21.53, 22.18 and 22.63%. The research suggests that using crossbed boars PiDu25, PiDu50, PiDu75 to mate with F1(L x Y) sows helps to obtain high performance in pig farms.


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