Yield and Nutritive Value of Taiwanese Napier Grass Imported from Thailand and Grown in Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Received: 21-03-2017

Accepted: 24-04-2017








How to Cite:

Binh, N., Thuy, N., Doanh, B., Hai, D., Hang, N., & Tuan, B. (2024). Yield and Nutritive Value of Taiwanese Napier Grass Imported from Thailand and Grown in Vietnam National University of Agriculture. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(4), 362–370. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/368

Yield and Nutritive Value of Taiwanese Napier Grass Imported from Thailand and Grown in Vietnam National University of Agriculture

Nguyen Thi Hoa Binh (*) 1 , Ngo Thi Thuy 1 , Bui Huy Doanh 1 , Dang Thai Hai 1 , Nguyen Thi Hang 2 , Bui Quang Tuan 1

  • 1 Khoa Chăn nuôi, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt nam
  • 2 Khoa Thú y, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Taiwanese Napier, Pennisetum purpureum, yield, nutritive value


    An experiment was carried out to assess yield and nutritive value of Taiwanese Napier, an elephant grass line originated from Taiwan and imported to Vietnam from Thailand. Taiwanese Napier wasplanted and compared to 3 control grasses,elephant grass, purple elephant grass and VA06 grass in terms of productivity and nutritive value. The experiment was a completely randomized design in which each grass was grown on three plots of 10m2in the field of Vietnam National University of Agriculture. The average yield of Taiwanese Napier of 3 harvests was79.43 tons green matter/ha, 14.97 tons dry matter/ha, 1.80 tons protein/ha, and 324.68 kg dry matter/ha/day. Taiwanese Napier grass contained18.84% dry matter, in which crude protein accountedfor 12.04%. After evaluating yield and nutritivie value, an experiment with goat was conducted at the breeding area of Vietnam National University of Agriculture to determine the UE (Unite d’ encombrement) and the apparent digestibility of four grasses. Four male crossbred (Jumnapari x Saanen) 6-month old goats with weight of 16±0,5kg were randomly divided into 4 batches according to Latin square model. Each goat was fed ad libitum one of four grasses. Results showed that UE of Taiwanese Napier was at the lowest level (1.12), the digestible ratio of dry matter; crude protein and NDF of Taiwanese Napier were 59.34%, 45.33% and 55.18%, respectively.


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