Received: 29-05-2012
Accepted: 28-08-2012
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Research on Processing of Beverage from Pomelo and Aloe
Beverage, pomelo, aloe
At present, fruit juiceproductionis interested by many companies in Vietnam, and also preferedby consumers due to its high nutritional values and bioactive compounds which are beneficial for health. In this paper we study the processing of beverage from Nam Roi pomelo and aloe, two materials possessing lots of appealing properties for human healthand arecheap and available. Treatment regimes to remove the bitter taste of pomelo and retainthe crunchy structure of aloe gel includeblanching in hot water, at 90oC for 5 min, then immersing in 1.5% CaCl2for 60 minutes. Suitable treatment for pomelo was blanching in 1% NaOH at 75oC for 30s. Optimal conditions for activity of enzyme pectinex Ultra-SPL to increase the yield of pomelo juice were enzyme concentration of 0.03%, temperature of 40°C for 60 min. The ratio of aloe/ pomelo juice was 1/20. The results of this research open up the possibility for the production of functional drinks from pomelo and aloe.
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