Received: 14-05-2012
Accepted: 21-09-2012
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Soybean, gamma irradiation, tia gamma, mutagenic effects, agronomic and yield contributing traits
The effects of different doses of gamma rays (0, 15, 18, 21 kR) on mutagenic induction in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) cv ĐVN6, ĐT12 and ĐT20 were investigated. The sensitivity response of soybean to gamma radiation was determined based on seed germination, plant survival and growth reduction in the M1 generation. The mutation changes were observed on the morphological and agronomic characters and yield components, including leaf color and shape, maturity, plant height, branching habit, number of branches per plant, pods/plant, 1000 seed weight and yield/plant in the M2, M3 and M4 generations. In general, the reduction of phenotypic expression in M1 generation is proportional with the dose of gamma irradiation. Although cultivars responded slightly different, the critical dose for inducing mutation was established at 21 kR. In M2 generation high proportion of chlorophyll and agro-morphological mutations were observed, indicative of effectiveness of mutagenic treatment. With regard to quantitative traits, both negative and positive shifts in mean values as well as increased phenotypic variation were recorded in M2, M3 and M4 generation as a result of mutagenic treatment. Moderate to high broad-sense heritabilities in the M3 generation were found for plant height, number of branches, number of pods per plant and seed weight, but rather low for grain yield per plant, suggesting possibility for improvement through selection of yield components. A total of 15 M4-lines possessing agronomic and yield contributing traits similar to or better than the parents were selected and they offer good scope for improvement of soybean.
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