Received: 16-12-2011
Accepted: 15-04-2012
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Risk and Risk Management Policy in Pig Production in Vietnam
Pig production, Risk management policy, Risk, Vietnam
Pig production industry in Vietnam current risks faced by pig producers are one of the main barriers to overall industry's development. Based on the survey results of current risk exposure in 1400 pig producing households in 7 provinces representing 7 ecological regions, the research shows that epidemic risks and market risks are the most serious risks faced by pig producers across all production scales. In addition, analysis of risk management policy in the industry also shows that of 62 legal documents, 53 documents are categorized as risk - prevention purpose, 04 documents categorized as risk - sharing purpose and 06 documents categorized as risk - coping purpose. However, this legal framework still exposes two major shortcomings: legal promulgation is slow and the framework is incomplete and not synchronized. Based on the analysis of risks exposure and current risk management policy, the research proposes recommendations towards improving risk management policy in pig production in two dimensions: i) In long term, the risk management system should aim at satisfying international standard (Codex); ii) In short term, legal documents need to focus on better risk management in epidemic prevention and treatment.
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