Received: 21-10-2022
Accepted: 18-04-2023
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Effect of Potassium Levels on Root Yield and Quality ofJapanese Angelica (Angelica acutiloba ( Zucc.) Kitagawa) in Phu Tho
Angelica acutiloba, potassium fertilizer rate, yield, quality
The study aimed to determine the appropriate rate of potassium fertilizer to ensure high yield and quality of medicinal herbs, Japanese Angelica. The experiment consisted of 4 treatments arranged in a randomized complete block design. Root system, yield and content of extracts in the roots were evaluated. Results show that application of 120 K2O/ha resulted in optimum root growth, high individual dry and high extract content. This was also the level of fertilizer that gave the highest profit margin. The above results show that 120 K2O/ha is suitable for Japanese Angelica grown in Phu Tho.
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