Received: 19-05-2023
Accepted: 29-06-2023
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Individual Customers' Assessment on Digital Banking Service Quality at Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, Thanh Do Branch, Hanoi City
Bank, digital services, quality, customer
This article aimed to analyze individual customers' evaluations of digital banking service quality in terms of security, responsiveness, convenience and incentives for customers. The primary data was collected from 200 customers who have been using digital services of Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) Thanh Do Branch. Analytical methods are mainly descriptive statistics, comparison, and ranking. The research results show that the Branch's digital banking service quality was rated at a good level by customers. Among the components that make up the quality of digital banking services, security was rated lowest (3.57/5 points), transaction accuracy and convenience were rated highest (4.08/5 points). In order to improve the quality of digital banking services in the coming years, the branch needs to implement synchronous solutions such as improving the banking data management system, cooperating with Fintech companies to increase security, improving the quality of human resources, innovating technology and promoting communication activities on digital banking services.
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