Received: 20-04-2022
Accepted: 27-09-2022
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Review on Insects and Diseases on Cinnamon and their Management
Cinnamon, pests, diseases, management
Cinnamon, a member in the Lauraceaefamily, is an indigenous perennial tree in tropical rain forests of Vietnam. Despite being a large woody tree and containing oil, it is quite susceptible to harmful insects and plant pathogens. The objective of this study was to synthesize the composition of cinnamon pests and diseases and their management measures in different cinnamon growing areas. The review study synthesized literature from publications of different sources, such as books, peer-reviewed articles, general statistics books, and articles published on websites of relevant sectors and ministries. Common insects commonly reported in largest cinnamon plantation areas of Vietnam include Arbela bailbarama(Lepidoptera: Metarbelidae), Culcula panterinaria(Lepidoptera: Geometridae), Pseudodoniella chinensis(Hemiptera: Miridae), Synanthedon sp. (Lepidoptera: Aegeriidae), and Zeuzerasp. (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). Main diseases are Pestalotiopsis funerealand cinnamon witches' broom (CinWB). Protection measures for the afore-mentioned pests have been studied for knowledge transfer, contributing to improved forest productivity and sustainable forest management as it is today.
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