Effects of Stocking Densities, Types of Feed on the Growth and Survival Rateof Yellowcheck (Elopichthys BambusaRichardson, 1844) from fry to Fingerling Stage

Received: 27-08-2021

Accepted: 01-03-2022








How to Cite:

Son, N., Binh, V., Quan, N., & Lua, D. (2024). Effects of Stocking Densities, Types of Feed on the Growth and Survival Rateof Yellowcheck (Elopichthys BambusaRichardson, 1844) from fry to Fingerling Stage. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(4), 456–466. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/976

Effects of Stocking Densities, Types of Feed on the Growth and Survival Rateof Yellowcheck (Elopichthys BambusaRichardson, 1844) from fry to Fingerling Stage

Nguyen Hai Son (*) 1 , Vo Van Binh 2 , Nguyen Huu Quan 2 , Dang Thi Lua 3

  • 1 Trung tâm Quốc gia Giống thủy sản nước ngọt miền Bắc, Viện nghiên cứu nuôi trồng thủy sản I
  • 2 Trung tâm Quốc gia Giống thủy sản nước ngọt miền Bắc
  • 3 Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng thủy sản I
  • Keywords

    Food, stocking density, yellowchecks


    The experiment on nursing the Yellowcheck (Elopichthys bambusa) from larvae to fingerling at different stocking densities and feeds was carried out from July to December 2020 at the National Freshwater Broodstock Center to determine the appropriate stocking densities and suitable feeds used in the nursering and rearing of larvae and fingerlings Yellowcheck. The results showed that the larvae reared at a density of 4-5 fish/liter gave a higher survival rate and growth rate than those nursed at a density of 6-7 fish/liter. The survival rate and growth rate of fish stocked at a density of 0.6 fish/liter were higher than those stocked at a density of 1 fish/liter and 1.2 fish/liter. Using 100% zooplankton and 60% zooplankton feed combined with 40% small worms for rearing fry gave the survival rate and growth rate higher than using feed consisting of 60% zooplankton with 40% fishmeal. In the period of rearing fingerlings, using larvae silver carp, small worms, and 30% small worms combined with 70% larvae silver carp, had a higher survival rate and growth rate than using feed containing 70% of larvae silver carp and 30% of larvae shrimp (45% protein).


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