Received: 20-04-2021
Accepted: 15-07-2021
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Evaluating the Impacts of Rice Value Chain Upgradingin Three Sub-Regions of the Mekong Delta
Closed chain, chain upgrading, open chain, linked chain, specialty rice group, sub-regions of the Mekong Delta
This study evaluated the general impacts of the value chain upgrading process and the positive aspects of the upgraded value chain in comparison with the value chain of external cooperatives/cooperative groups. The chain upgrading process was conducted in three cooperatives/cooperative groups categorized into three types of value chains, including open chain, linked chain, and closed chain. The product lines selected for the chain upgrading based on the classification of the Vietnam Food Association (VFA) consisted of two groups. The first one involved specialty rice that is fragrant, soft, and of high quality such as ST24, Dai Thom 8, and Jasmine 85. The second group consisted of long-grain white rice with light fragrance and high quality. The expansion models (MHMR) followed VietGAP, SRP, and organic standards in rice cultivation to meet the market needs. In the course of organizing global value chains, the connection between the market represented by export enterprises and raw material areas is essential. It becomes a primary condition to upgrade the value chain, in which risk and benefits sharing must be discussed and maintained over the long term. This contributes to create standardized products according to the current market needs and to affirm the Vietnamese rice brand.
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