Received: 28-02-2020
Accepted: 09-12-2020
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Use of Rotifer as Feed for Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Fry
RotiferBrachionus plicatilis, B. angularis, B. pala, B. calyciflorus, striped catfish fry
The objective of this study was to assess the growth rate of some rotifer species and possibility to use them as live food for nursing of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) fry. Three species of freshwater rotifers including Brachionus angularis, B. palaand B. calycifloruswas mass-reared and compared to brackish species B. plicatiscurrently used as live food for striped catfish fry in the Mekong delta. Then, these four rotifer species were used as feed for striped catfish fries within the first three days, followed by Moina used until the end of the experiment. The population of B. palaand B. calyciflorusattained its maximum density (increased 03 times) for day 03 and 04, respectively. Meanwhile, B. angularisandB. plicatilisreached its maximum density (increased 06 times) for day 07 and 09, respectively. The results on fish study showed that the highest survival was obtained (24.1%) in B. angularisfed fish, whereas the lowest survival was obtained in B. calyciflorusfed fish. The weight of B. angularis fed fish was significantly higher than B. calyciflorusfed fish, but the difference was not significant compared to B. plicatilisor B. palafed fish. The results of this study indicated that B. angularisis the optimal live food for striped catfish fry.
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