Solutions to Sustainable Poverty Reduction for Ethnic Minority: A case study of La Ha Ethnic Minority Group in Quynh Nhai District, Sơn La Province

Received: 23-09-2020

Accepted: 19-10-2020








How to Cite:

Ninh, H., Tin, T., & Thao, T. (2024). Solutions to Sustainable Poverty Reduction for Ethnic Minority: A case study of La Ha Ethnic Minority Group in Quynh Nhai District, Sơn La Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(12), 1210–1221.

Solutions to Sustainable Poverty Reduction for Ethnic Minority: A case study of La Ha Ethnic Minority Group in Quynh Nhai District, Sơn La Province

Ho Ngoc Ninh (*) 1, 2 , Truong Ngoc Tin 1 , Tran Dinh Thao 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Du lịch và Ngoại ngữ, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Solutions, Sustainable poverty reduction, La Ha Ethnic Minority Group


    The study aimed to assess the current situation and propose solutions to sustainable poverty reduction for the La Ha ethnic group in Quynh Nhai district, Son La province. The study surveyed 20 officials in charge of managing and implementing poverty reduction policies at district and commune levels, and 120 households including the poor, near-poor households, and households escaping from poverty (75 La Ha ethnic group households and 45 Thai ethnic group households). It was found that, over the past time, there had been many poverty reduction policies, programs, and projects implemented in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, the life of the La Ha people in Quynh Nhai was much improved. However, the proportion of poor households in La Ha ethnic group was still high (43% in 2019), the material and spiritual life of the La Ha ethnic group was still faced with many difficulties; people's intellectual level was still very low, the illiteracy rate was still high, medical examination and treatment and health care for the people were still limited. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively implement the related policies to sustainably reduce poverty for La Ha people in Son La province, such as: (1) integrated investment in rural infrastructure; (2) Promotion of the application of scientific and technical advances in production; (3) Improvement of the accessibility and efficiency of concessional loans; (4) promotion of vocational training for rural workers, encouraging startup, labor exportation; (5) raising awareness of the people about the importance of education and improvement of the quality of general education.


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