Assessment of Land Suitability for Supporting the Development of Specialized crop Cultivation in Yen Lac District, Vinh Phuc Province

Received: 28-05-2020

Accepted: 13-07-2020








How to Cite:

Trung, N., Ha, C., & Giang, L. (2024). Assessment of Land Suitability for Supporting the Development of Specialized crop Cultivation in Yen Lac District, Vinh Phuc Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(8), 626–636.

Assessment of Land Suitability for Supporting the Development of Specialized crop Cultivation in Yen Lac District, Vinh Phuc Province

Nguyen Dinh Trung (*) 1, 2 , Cao Viet Ha 1 , Le Thi Giang 1

  • 1 Khoa Quản lý Đất đai, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Tài nguyên và Môi trường, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Land mapping units, Land suitability assessment Yen Lac district, Vinh Phuc province


    The study aimed to assess the land suitability for supporting the development of specialized crop cultivation in Yen Lac district, Vinh Phuc province. The study used the spatial analysis method of GIS to establish and overlay 6 single maps (soil types, texture, relative topography, soil thickness, fertility, and irrigation). The study resulted in (1) a land unit map at a scale of 1/10,000 and (2) land suitability map at a scale of 1/ 10,000for LUT of specialized rice, vegetables, and fruit trees. The result of land suitability assessment has determined highly and moderate suitability area (S1+S2) for specialized rice (3.504,43ha), for specialized upland crops (2.517,35ha),and fruit trees (3.179,26ha). Based on the obtained results, Yen Lac district has identified the specialized areas in the different zones: rice cultivation with 955ha ( in Dong Van, Lien Chau, Nguyet Duc, Tam Hong, Yen Dong and Yen Phuong communes); vegetables with 892 ha (in Hong Chau, Trung Kien, Nguyet Duc, Binh Dinh, Lien Chau and Dai Tu communes); and fruit trees with 916 ha (in Nguyet Duc, Hong Phuong, Lien Chau communes).


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