Economic Efficiency of Organic Rice Productionin Thua Thien Hue Province: A Case Study in Phu Luong Commune

Received: 09-06-2020

Accepted: 14-07-2020








How to Cite:

Thanh, N., Tuan, N., Thuyet, C., Tam, N., Canh, N., Nam, L., & Linh, L. (2024). Economic Efficiency of Organic Rice Productionin Thua Thien Hue Province: A Case Study in Phu Luong Commune. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(8), 553–561.

Economic Efficiency of Organic Rice Productionin Thua Thien Hue Province: A Case Study in Phu Luong Commune

Nguyen Van Thanh (*) 1 , Nguyen Viet Tuan 1 , Cao Thi Thuyet 1 , Nguyen Thien Tam 1 , Nguyen Xuan Canh 1 , Le Van Nam 1 , Le Viet Linh 1

  • 1 Trường Đại học Nông Lâm, Đại học Huế
  • Keywords

    Economic efficiency, households, organic rice, rice intensification


    This study assessedthe economic efficiency of organic rice production of households in Phu Luong commune, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien Hue province. The authors used semi-structured questionnaires to survey 60 households producing organic rice and hold a focus group discussion to accumulate the data. The results showed that the organic rice farming area in the study site wasabout 0.5 ha/household and accountedfor nearly 50% of the total rice farming area of the households. Organic rice yield tendedto increase over past years but was still 9.3 quintals/ha lower than that of rice intensification. The total cost of organic rice production in the study site was 3,244,000 VND/ha/crop higher than that of intensive riceproduction. The cost of fertilizer and plant protection of organic rice production weresignificantly lower than those ofintensive riceproduction; while its labor cost was much higher than that ofintensive riceproduction, accounting for about 50% of the total cost of organic rice production. The revenue of organic rice production in the study site was 45,400,000 VND/ha/crop,being5,721,000 VND/ha/crop higher than that ofintensive riceproduction; However, the net profit of organic rice production in the study site was only 2,476,000 VND/ha/crop higher than that ofintensive riceproduction. Profit ratio of organic riceproductionwas quite low (0.53),only 0.03 VND higher than that ofintensive riceproduction.


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