Evaluating Economic Efficiency of Coffee Production Based on Water Saving Techniques in Central Highland: A Case Study in Cu M’gar District, DakLak Province

Received: 19-03-2020

Accepted: 06-06-2020








How to Cite:

Le, N., & Duong, N. (2024). Evaluating Economic Efficiency of Coffee Production Based on Water Saving Techniques in Central Highland: A Case Study in Cu M’gar District, DakLak Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(6), 454–462. http://testtapchi.vnua.edu.vn/index.php/vjasvn/article/view/677

Evaluating Economic Efficiency of Coffee Production Based on Water Saving Techniques in Central Highland: A Case Study in Cu M’gar District, DakLak Province

Nguyen Phuong Le (*) 1 , Nguyen Hai Duong 2

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Viện Khoa học Kỹ thuật Nông Lâm nghiệp Tây Nguyên
  • Keywords

    Coffee, techniques, water saving, economic efficiency


    Drought and conventional irrigation methods are considered as reasons that make coffee growers face with water shortage more frequent and increasingly serious level in the Central Highlands. Applying water-saving technologies in coffee production has become an urgent need than ever. This study aimsto make an overviewthe types of coffee irrigation technologies being used; assess the economic efficiency of coffee production using economical irrigation technology and identify factors that hinder the application of economical irrigation technology for coffee in Cu M’gar district. Data which have been collected from 33 coffee producing households applying the irrigation technology (overall survey) and 30 coffee producing households using traditional irrigation technology (random sampling) in the study area showedthat water-saving techniqueshave brought higher economic efficiency compared toconventional ones. However, the households who have applied water-saving techniquesin the district are still very low, mainly due to the lack of investment capital, limited awareness of the producers and ineffective transferring activities.


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