Received: 14-03-2019
Accepted: 10-06-2019
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Epidemiology Characteristics of Canine Distemper Diseases in Dogs in Hanoi
Canine distemper disease, dogs, epidemiological characteristics, Hanoi
This study aimedto determine the prevalence of Canine distemper disease in Hanoi as an important information for disease prevention. An epidemiological study on 18244 dogs was conducted in some veterinary clinics in Hanoi from 2013 to 2018. The clinical diagnosiswas based on the specific clinical signs. Treatment and clinical outcome were followed after confirming by CDV Ag test kit.The study found that575 (3,15%) dogswereinfected with Canine distemper virus (CDV) in 14 popular dog breeds with the typiclcal gastrointestinal, respiratory and neurological symptoms. Mong Coc breed hadthe highest positive proportion (6.32%), followed by Becgiebreed (5.56%), Corgi breed (4.28%), Alaska (4.27%). The lowest positive percentage (1.62%) was observed in Rottweiler breed. The infection and successful treatment percentage significantly differred from one year to another (P <0.05). Among age groups, dogsaged 2-6 months old hadthe highest CDV positive rate (60.35%), followed by group of 6-12 months old (15.13%), under 2 months old (12,35%) and lowest in over 12 months old dogs(12.17%). The prevalence of CDV among seasonsof winter, spring and autumn were 39.13%, 35.82% and 11.83%, respectively. The infected CDV dogs also had statistically significant difference in age and season of the year (P <0.05).
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