Received: 02-01-2013
Accepted: 22-04-2013
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Status and Direction to Maintainof Green Spaces System on Hanoi University of Agriculture Campus
Hanoi University of Agriculture, plant system, urban tree management
A survey was conducted to evaluate the current situation of Ha Noi University of Agriculture on-campus green system. The study was carried out using questionnaire and the survey and plant inventory were conducted in standardized grids and plots. A total of 2.379 trees were identified which belonged to 70 species, 26 families and 15 orders. The tree groups of cultural and historical value associated with the university’s development are found in main roads and central campus around the Four Lakes. However, there has not been any detailed plan for green landscape in the university so that green spaces include many unsuitable species of plants. Moreover, irregular management results in decreasing tree’s vitality, aesthetic value and use efficiency. In the long run, professional and highly-qualified management team is required to ensure green development on the whole campus and improve public awareness for the maintenance and protection of green spaces.
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