Present Land Use and Orientation of Agricultural Land Use in the Process of Industrialization and Urbanization in BacNinh Province

Received: 05-12-2018

Accepted: 25-01-2019








How to Cite:

Thanh, N., & Hai, D. (2024). Present Land Use and Orientation of Agricultural Land Use in the Process of Industrialization and Urbanization in BacNinh Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(11), 967–976.

Present Land Use and Orientation of Agricultural Land Use in the Process of Industrialization and Urbanization in BacNinh Province

Nguyen Xuan Thanh (*) 1 , Do Nguyen Hai 2

  • 1 Nghiên cứu sinh, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • 2 Khoa Quản lý đất đai, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Agricultural land, land use types, industrialization, urbanization


    Bac Ninh is an industrially developed province and plans to become a city under the central government after 2020, so that the agricultural land has been decreasinggradually. The research objectives were to evaluate the present agricultural land resource and to determine the suitable orientation of agricultural land use for industrialization and urbanization. Results showed that the present agricultural land was classified into 3 subzonesaccording to use: (1) subzone of pure agricultural production, (2) subzone of agricultural production affected by industrialization,and (3) subzone of agricultural production affected by urbanization. Results showed that there were 5 main land use types (LUTs) with 14 main land utilization typesin the province. Commodity oriented land utilization tovegetables, non-rice crops, fruits, rice and flower showedhigh economic efficiency in thesub-zones affected by industrialization and urbanization. The research results serve as basisto select suitableland useand land utilization for agricultural restructuringin order to meet the goalsof the socio-economic development in the process of industrialization and urbanization in BacNinh province.


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