Smart Agriculture: Issues and Recommendations for Research and Training

Received: 26-07-2018

Accepted: 20-08-2018








How to Cite:

Chung, D. (2024). Smart Agriculture: Issues and Recommendations for Research and Training. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(7), 707–718.

Smart Agriculture: Issues and Recommendations for Research and Training

Do Kim Chung (*) 1

  • 1 Khoa Kinh tế và Phát triển nông thôn, Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
  • Keywords

    Smart Agriculture, Industry 4.0, Physical Technology, Bio Technology, Operational Technology, Human resource, Research and training


    Smart Agriculture (SA) is one of the outcomes of the fourth industrial revolution. This paper highlights concepts, interrelated elements and technology tendencies and curent situations of SA in the world and Vietnam. The paper also points out the benefits, challenges and training and research issues for Vietnam to adopt SA. Finally, the paper suggests some viewpoints and orientations for renovating research and training agriculture’s human resource in the country including renovation of training and research approaches; continuation of restructuring agriculture sector by renovating public investment and services in agriculture research and training and moving from resource-based development strategy to renovation and innovation-based one; prioritizing SA where applicable but still considering traditional farming; implemetation of SA’s R and D program; encouraging start-ups in development and application of SA’s technologies; renovation of training program by closely meeting society’s demand, overcoming market failures in training, renewing training contents and training modes, strengthening linkages with other stakeholders; updating technologies of the industry 4.0 for training human resource in digital physical, biological and operational technologies; more attention for training in knowledge and skills for current agriculture labor force


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